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  • Writer's pictureBlondie Blue

Early bird gets the worm 🐦 🐛

I used to think that you were either a morning person, or you’re not and there’s nothing you can do about it. While that is kind of true because some people just like mornings naturally, it’s also false because a morning is going to be what you make it. I’m definitely the kind of person who hates mornings. I get so excited to go to bed every night and then when morning comes and the alarm goes off, I’m just angry with the world because I do NOT want to wake up. I’ve started to notice that the grumpier I am in the mornings, the harder my days are.

Attitude is truly everything. You’d think that just a simple thought like saying “I’m so tired, this is going to be a long day” wouldn’t effect your day... but actually, it does. Within the past few weeks as I’ve been more aware of this, I’ve seen that what you say to yourself in the morning, sets the tone for the whole entire day.

In the past, I have woken up in the morning and told myself how tired and annoyed I was that it was so early, but now, I’ve decided to change those thoughts. It’s all about becoming aware of those automatic thoughts and changing them. It can be hard but it’s possible. I am now striving to wake up a little earlier than I usually do instead of 20 minutes before I have to be out the door. I’ve also began to realize that I need a routine. I don’t know about you, but I have a crazy nightly routine and if I don’t do it, I can’t sleep. It’s not really a crazy routine, I just always shower with lavender body wash, then I proceed to get out and brush my teeth and wash my face, then I apply lavender lotion, and then I read my scriptures, say my prayers, and sometimes write a little. This routine lets my body know that it is time to settle down and go to sleep. I think we underestimate how powerful the human brain is and by training it to associate certain things with sleep, it will tell our body the same thing. So a thought occurred to me that my body doesn’t know what to associate waking up with. Just like my nightly routine, I need a morning one.

So I’m going to share with you all my new morning routine, I hope you’ll join me!

  1. put on some energetic music (nothing that could possibly put you back to sleep)

  2. GET OUT OF BED! I tend to lay in bed for a few minutes... or maybe longer than that... on my phone or I keep hitting snooze.

  3. Wash my face, and brush my teeth

  4. Apply “happiness” lotion from bath and body works.

  5. Read my scriptures & say my prayers

  6. Maybe write a little.

  7. Get ready for the day!

  8. And walk out the door with a smile on my face.

This is definitely going to be a challenge for me... but I’m going to do it!

Now back to the part of “attitude is everything.” Lately, I’ve been telling myself “it’s going to be a good day!” And I cannot tell you how drastically my attitude and mood has changed. Like I said before, our brains are so powerful so just a simple thought can change EVERYTHING. I’ve learned that telling myself negative thoughts has gotten me absolutely no where and has just ruined perfectly good days... so I’m gonna try out the positive for a while and keep you updated(;

I challenge you all to try this with me this week! I will let you know how it goes. Have a fantastic week, and may your mornings be filled with positivity and happiness.

Xoxo, Imperfectly Blonde

Here are the products I use.

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